Cupping is a modality used in conjunction with massage to draw inflammation within your body to the surface layers.
Think of it like vacuuming the nooks and crannies of your body where your circulation is sub-optimal.
The visible red circles produced by cupping at the skin indicates how much inflammation (usually in the form of stagnant blood) was present inside the muscle. Dark red = more stagnation; generally, as the redness fades away, so does your muscle soreness.
Following cupping, circulatory massage techniques help to sweep away and break down the visible redness drawn towards the skin.
In my practice, we use a combination of static and dynamic cupping during treatment.
Static cupping is used to draw deep inflammation to the surface.
Dynamic cupping is used to draw superficial and mid-level inflammation to the surface.
How long will the red circles be there for? That depends on:
-how much stagnant blood you have
-whether we use static or dynamic cupping
-your overall cardiovascular health
I'll always walk you through the process to help you meet your "kneads"